5 Simple DIY Musical Instruments for Babies and Toddlers
Let’s begin with a fun fact! Did you know that I play several musical instruments? I actually hold a Music degree and specialised in Music when training to become a teacher. For as far back as I remember, music has always been a way of life for me and I have been sure to pass on this passion to my daughters.
A classic baby toy for a newborn is often a rattle of some description, and I’ve always been amazed by how babies respond to sounds from the day they are born.
As you might imagine, our home is filled with musical instruments of all kinds and I even have a collection of maracas from around the world. But for babies and toddlers, less is always more. So I have put together a list of 5 simple homemade musical instruments for you, and the best thing about them is that they are made out of items that you probably already have!
- Fill a box with beads to make a shaker

Here, I filled an empty egg box with hair beads and sealed it with black tape to keep it secure. Egg boxes are the perfect size for little hands to grasp.

2. Make your own maracas by filling plastic bottles with … pasta, rice, lentils, buttons, seeds

3. Create a drum kit with metal pots and pans – use a wooden spoon as a drum stick and a spaghetti ladle as a scraper (Be prepared to dig out those ear plugs!)

4. Use the tube from a roll of tinfoil as a make-shift horn – children enjoy hearing their voice change as they shout and howl down the tube (noisy but good fun!)

Or save two tinfoil rolls and use them as beaters/ claves to knock together!

5. Make a baby rainstick… all you need is a clean empty bottle, some cotton wool and paperclips. Simple, yet effective!

Let us know if you give any of these musical instruments a go. We would love to hear about your musical moments in the comments below 🙂
If you like these ideas, don’t forget to share!
You can find more activities and play ideas over on our Instagram and Twitter.