Using Picture Books to Explore Children’s Feelings and Emotions

If your child has ever been worried or anxious about anything, then you’ll know how difficult it can be to bring the subject up without making the issue worse.

My eldest is such a fiery little soul, but is also a huge worrier, so we have had quite a few occasions where we have done our best to address her worries without drawing too much attention to them- It’s not as easy as it sounds!

My most favourite way to open up the channels for talking about emotions is through reading themed picture books and I thought I would share with you some of the books we have been reading recently to support my eldest during Lockdown.

Books to Explore Emotions and Feelings

Here are a few stories that we are loving right now and are great for exploring emotions and worries.

1.Grumpycorn by Sarah McIntyre

What my five year old says about this book:

It’s a very good story because it teaches you that you don’t need to be grumpy. Your friends can make you laugh and be happy again.

2. The Worrysaurus by Rachel Bright

Three things my five year old likes about this book:

  1. I like that the mummy always gives the dinosaur a kiss.
  2. The dinosaur knew that his mummy loved him
  3. He was happy again when he saw his mummy

3. My Monster and Me by Nadiya Hussain

My five year old says:

The monster was being bossy at the beginning. It’s not good to boss people around. It’s important to be kind to your friends.

What are your favourite books for exploring feelings and emotions? Let us know in the comments below!

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